Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yellow Fever

Whatever project I am working on will usually dictate what my new design interest is. This month it is simply the color yellow. Not just any safe yellow that the average person would use, but yellow in it's pure form.

I am working on a new restaurant in Huntington Beach and we are using this color, in a small quantity very selectively. It does amazing things to the overall feel of any space. Here are a few examples of how it adds a unique element to any space, and updates the look.

If this watermain were on your building exterior, that would typically be an unsightly necessity. Here it is looks like a designer upgrade.

The yellow takes what would be a very cold and stark space, and gives it 200% more life, while keeping it very contemporary.

Any passerby will notice, and peer into this restaurant...myself included.

Take the yellow out of the equation, and you have a totally different interior.

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